2 thoughts on “P6 / MahaBodhi / 2018 / SA2 / Paper 2 – Q13 [4 marks]

  1. Hi! I would be glad to help!

    Consider Triangle QRS,

    Triangle QSC = 4/7 of Triangle QRS (which is 1/2 of total fig).

    Therefore, Triangle QSC = 4/7 x 1/2

    Consider Triangle QPS
    Triangle PBA = 2/10 of Triangle QPS (which is 1/2 of total fig)
    Therefore, Triangle PBA = 2/10 x 1/2

    For both above, use the area of triangle formula (1/2 x Base x height) to consider the ratio of the area between the triangles.

    When the triangles have the same height, but the base differs by the ratio, then their areas will differ by the ratio too

Comment here if you find this solution useful or need more clarification! If you got other questions you need help in, send them to sgprimaths@gmail.com.